PANTHEON – in memoriam of the victims of World War II
1. Cult
This is not exactly a building. This is a place where the spirit of death is locked. So, expect to feel a little peculiar when you enter…
2. Symmetry
The mystery about symmetry is that you do not need to understand it in order to perceive it. There are various types of symmetry, based on different mathematical functions with polynomial degrees from 1 to n. The result is the formation of energy points/ axes/ planes… Symmetrical shape has always been a sign of rituality and respect.
3. Cardinal directions
EAST/ WEST/ NORTH/ SOUTH. Objective characteristics of planet Earth. Four ways to enter the Pantheon and four ways to leave.
4. Direction "upwards"
There are close and distant places. How distant? Places beyond human comprehension.
5. Take-off I: mirrors
A non-material surface, border between two worlds would name itself a "mirror".
6. Take-off II: propulsion
It is surprisingly easy to defy gravity. The question is: Is it possible to control it?
7. Universal shapes
Circle (Area=π.r2), triangle (Area=b.h/2), square (Area=t2). Perfect with their simplicity.
8. Wisdom of water
Water is the essence of life. Few substances can praise themselves with a similar characteristic.
Or is it just two atoms of hydrogen connected to one atom of oxygen?
9. Time drops
If we want to sneak beyond the limits of time it would be quite useful to have something like a watch . After all - a complete lack of time may lead to total chaos.
0. Link to outer space
Four elevators are situated inside the vertical metal frame structures. They are covered with mirrored glasses, which brings the illusion that the "body" of the Pantheon is hanging in the air.
The "haze" effect produced by the air-conditioning system amplifies this illusion.
Emphasizing the ''up'' direction symbolizes the connection between spirit and Universe.
A look at the interior reveals crystal spheres with implanted artifacts and relics, situated around a circular "lake". Every minute a water drop hits the surface exactly in its center, creating a constant mesh of fading waves. This is the way you may feel the time…
At night you can see numerous bright lights in the gap between the two metal "shells", each light is a reminder of someone`s life.